An affordable App for Independent and High Street Businesses

Enhance your Digital Presence & build customer loyalty

with a branded App for your business.

  • Digital Presence

    Boost your website and social media content with the next step in Digital Presence; your very own App!

    Branded to your logo and business name, the Brand195 App seamlessly connects to your existing digital content without the need for additional maintenance or content creation. The App puts your digital content directly to your customer’s phones and builds loyalty through that connectivity.

  • Strengthen your Marketing

    Stay connected to your customer base and increase their awareness of your promotions and offers to grow your revenue.

    Ensure your marketing campaigns are successful with direct communications to your customers phones, with notifications. No more fear of your messaging being lost to spam and junk folders.

  • Build Revenue

    With your business boosted by your enhanced Digital Presence and your marketing strengthened by direct and reliable communications to your customer base, having your own App for your Independent or High Street business helps grow your brand loyalty and consequently your revenue.

  • Grow with your Business

    Brand195’s Launch Package gives a simple and affordable entry point that is up and running in days. Brand195 then supports your business to promote your App and build a membership. When you have realised the benefits of your own App you can then expand to the Classic or Advanced package giving increased content, functionality and access to further marketing and promotions in the local community.